Australian and New Zealand
Association of Paediatric Surgeons Inc.
Trainee association - RACSTA
All Trainees are automatically members of RACSTA for the duration of their time in the SET Program.
The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Trainees' Association (RACSTA) represents Trainees' interests within RACS. Surgical training is a challenging and rewarding time, and RACSTA is here to make your journey as enjoyable and as productive as possible.
RACSTA includes representatives from all surgical specialties and national/state committees and provides input at all levels through to the RACS Council. In this way, RACSTA strongly advocates for Trainee issues such as the quality of training, workplace culture and well-being among others.
RACSTA works with many RACS boards, committees and specialty groups and is regularly asked to comment on matters affecting Trainees.
RACSTA welcomes your views, so please contact your specialty or local regional representatives via email. Your contributions are vital and appreciated.
The RACSTA Representative for Paediatric Surgery is Dr Kiera Roberts
For the full list of RACTSA Representives see here.
Contact RACSTA Board representatives:
Telephone: +61 3 9249 1212
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